Regular Exercise or Physical Activity
Regular Exercise or Physical Activity

Being active improves your fitness and helps your body to better control blood sugar levels.

Physical activity helps to improve your fitness as well as your health in general. Exercise also helps muscles to use insulin more efficiently, putting less stress on the insulin-producing cells. To reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, it is recommended to exercise for at least 150 minutes per week.1 This may sound a lot, but small changes2 to your daily routine can help you incorporate more physical activity into your life such as….

Take the stairs instead of the elevator.

Walk to the shops instead of driving.

Park the car away from the entrance of the shops and walk, rather than parking right out the front.

Cycle to work instead of taking the bus.

Wash and vacuum the car yourself instead of taking it to a car wash.

Take a brisk walk during your lunch break, even 10–15 minutes per day may provide benefits.

Stretch at your desk.

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